UA-128256514-1 Brisbane Brugmansia Angel's Trumpets | Brugmansia Victorian Lady
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Brugmansia Victorian Lady


  • Double or more white / cream flowers
  • Perfumed
  • Toxic if ingested


Victorian Lady is a beautiful white/cream double or more flowering Brugmansia. In warm weather this is typically a pristine white double, but as soon as the weather cools, the colours include cream and melon tones. The texture of the corolla is exactly like crepe paper and the corolla walls are very thick. 

Brugmansia Victorian Lady

$17.95 Regular Price
$16.95Sale Price
  • Species Brugmansia candida
    Cultivar Victorian Lady
    Flower color White/Cream
    Flower form Double or more
    Flower position Pendant
    Foliage Solid
    Species group Warm
    Perfume Yes


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